Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Evaluate the role played by the therapeutic relationship in any two Essay
Evaluate the role played by the therapeutic relationship in any two psychological therapies - Essay Example This can be in their family, relationships in school (for children and college students) or in dealing with something in society. As they work through these issues around their pain the therapist has to take into consideration that the healing process is often very complicated when the individual is in the process of individual changes. In any therapy office social and psychological factors for each individual will be different. Clients bring everything they know to the setting and it is the therapists job to help the client unravel those situations that appear difficult. Socially, they will bring what they were taught as children. These teachings will revolve around beliefs, attitudes and general thoughts about life in general. Many are attempting to move out of limiting beliefs and take hold of a better life. Psychological factors that they bring can also turn into psychological disorders. These disorders can disrupt many of the processes that an individual goes through when attempting to effect individual change. Social issues that are global are characteristic of the world we live in today. Many people are suffering from depression, anxiety and anger. Also, people are dealing with issues around alcohol abuse, aging and attachment. These issues are present in most societies today because of war and other problems within countries. Global disasters will also cause problems. When there is a national or global disaster many people relate to it whether they are personally involved or not. Sometimes a national disaster can create problems that are latent in individuals. For instance, when 9/11 happened many people were faced with feelings about their own mortality. If they lost a friend or loved one, they had feelings of grief. However, some people had feelings of grief for all of humanity. This type of disaster again can cause depression, anger, grief, feelings of hopelessness and post traumatic stress disorder. Some
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Evaluating flash as an animation tool
Evaluating flash as an animation tool Adobe Flash is used as an animation program because it offers a lot and makes life easier for people who animate or who create animations. The tools that it offers help the user get on with their work easier and without a problem. Here is a list of some of the animation features that it comes with and how they help develop the animation, on the other hand there are some disadvantages with using Flash such as compatibility issues etc. Frames help gain full control over separate animation characteristics with object based animation, which applies tweens directly to the objects. Flash also uses tweens which are used to fill gaps in between two key frames. A key frame is something that will copy one frame and paste the exact same one into another, they also come as a start and end point for the moving in the animation. There are two types of tweens in which one of them is called motion tween and the other one is called shape tween. A motion tween is the thing that fills in the gaps between two keyframes when you are animating a selected object, they can be used to make things like vehicles move but their weakness lies in the fact that you do not have control over the motion as well as you would if the animation was created with individual key frames. One advantage that they do have however is that they could be reused again just like symbols in order to reduce the file size. Shape tween animation is used mainly in flash designs for example it could be used to make circles into squares, blue letters into yellow buttons etc. Any vector object can be changed by the shape tween animation in flash tool. This change can either be in shape or colour depending on the requirements of the flash design. It offers various choices which can be change, such as size, colour, location and so on. Flash designs are mainly used for things such as shapes, colours and appropriate positioning of the object. However there are some disadvantages of using these motions because the user does not have full control over them, the computer may not do it correctly which can result in the animation not looking right when it is being previewed. However some shape tweens can cause problems as well for example if there is a shape and accidentally there is a dot or line drawn in, then it will tween that into being in the shape as well which could mess up the way the shape should look and the way it ought to be moving. One Advantage flash has is that it has the ability to switch between scenes, this is an advantage because it gives the user more room to work with and still have all the functions working, for example one can be designing and on the other scene they could be creating the second part to the animation. This would save more frames for the selected scenes as there are a limited amount of frames. Adobe Flash comes with a lot of creative tools and features which can help the user in creating animations etc. However there is a slight disadvantage in that which is that it can take along time to load if you have a computer which is slow this would be a problem because Flash comes with a lot of content and features and if you have a slow computer then it would take along time to load the software. One of the common and most obvious disadvantages is that you must pay for the full Adobe suite even though you just want to use and work with one application. However other free flash editing programs do not offer the features that Adobe Flash does, there are a few versions of Flash such as CS3 and CS4. The file extensions that these versions use are Fla which stands for Flash and swf which stands for Shockwave Flash. Flash can let the user adjust the positioning of the objects for example if there is a background on layer 1 and a drawing on layer 2 of a car, then the order of the layers will change the positioning of the way the animation was meant to be set out. If layer 1 is above layer 2 then the background will fill the entire page, however if layer 2 is above layer 1 then it will appear above the background and look as the way it should do. It also has an option to move objects from front to back which does not work well because it makes things worse. Flash is very good for publishing animations etc on the Internet, however creating Web Pages, interactive games and videos in Flash CS3 can be a problem for people who are beginners on using the Software because to create these things you need to have a fair amount of knowledge which can make it easy to create and design things in Flash, without that it would be a struggle. Flash uses actionscript code which is a series of commands that can instruct a flash object what to do, it can tell the animation to go to a certain keyframe or scene, control object movement with the arrow keys or anything your specify, most of the advanced features you want to add to a flash document are implemented through actionscript. It has three versions available, actionscript 1.0, 2.0 and the latest 3.0, each are slightly different in there context, 3.0 features some new 3D related code and uses much less text than action-script 2.0 however it can be slightly more complicated and annoying if your familiar with the previous version of the script. When I used Flash I found the different ways of accessing features slightly confusing. However over the course of designing and creating my animation I learned about how to create Key Frames, Shape Tweens, and Motion Tweens. I also learnt how to work on different scenes and add sound to scenes. As I got to know how to do some of this it made me interested in learning about it more. However I found some of it hard for example I found the action-script hard because I didnt understand where to put the text or which text performed which function. But apart from that I enjoyed working in Flash because it offered a lot of features.
Friday, October 25, 2019
What Does It Mean To Keep A Day Holy? :: essays research papers
To understand what it means to keep a day holy, one must understand what holy is. Dictionary.com defines holy as spiritually whole or sound; of unimpaired innocence and virtue; free from sinful affections; pure in heart; godly; pious; irreproachable; guiltless; acceptable to God. According to this definition to keep a day holy would be to make the day acceptable to God. Making a day acceptable to God will unquestionably vary with religious beliefs. For the Christian, Sunday is above all an Easter celebration, illumined by the glory of the Risen Christ. It is the festival of the "new creation". Yet, when understood in depth, this aspect is inseparable from what the first pages of Scripture tell us of God’s plan in the creation of the world. If the first page of the Book of Genesis presents God's "work" as an example for man, which it does, then the same must be true of God's "rest." â€Å"On the seventh day God finished his work which he had done" (Genesis 2:2) It would be clichà ©d to interpret God's "rest" as a kind of "inactivity". By its nature, the creative act, which founds the world, is unending and God is always at work, as Jesus himself declares in speaking of the Sabbath principle: "My Father is working still, and I am working" (John 5:17). The divine rest of the seventh day does not allude to an inactive God, but emphasizes the fullness of what has been accomplished. It speaks, as it were, of God's lingering before the "very good" work. The book of Exodus tells us that we need not cease all work to keep the lords day holy but only remember: "Remember the Sabbath day in order to keep it holy" (Exodus 20:8). Before commanding that something be done, the passage urges that something be remembered. It is a call to awaken remembrance of the grand and fundamental work of God, which is creation, a remembrance that must inspire the entire religious life of man and then fill the day on which man is called to rest. Rest therefore gains a sacred value: the faithful are called to rest not only as God rested, but to rest in the Lord, bringing the entire creation to him.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Finance And Families Essay
The population heterogeneity theory forecasts that, stress resistance is closely attached to mortality. Accordingly, persons in a population who pass away prematurely in life will likely be individuals who are less resistant to environmental stresses. Those persons with a high longetivity are those individuals who are very resistant, and these persons as a grouping might have an extremely gradually increasing rate of mortality, yielding an estimated mortality level while the less- resistant clusters pass away. (Viano, E, 1992) Two different perspectives on the causes of marital violence: (Viano, E, 1992, p.158) i.Feminist perspective: This perspective argues that, violence in the family is created by a patriarchal society in which the power of the male dominates. Historically, marital violence is viewed as been condoned by values as well as norms in the society. Consequently, one of the concrete subjects that the battered woman’s faction is confronted with is defying the tendency of the psychological health profession to renounce a feminist analysis.  ii.Sociological perspective: This perspective argues that, physical violence is not a manifestation of individual pathology. However; it is an essential feature of human association. Physical violence is viewed as almost normal and widespread, in other words, statistically common and ethnically accepted, feature of family life. Therefore, environmental interferences and social system are thought suitable. What is â€Å"double jeopardy†risk regarding women being victims of marital violence? â€Å"Double jeopardy†refers to individuals who are more at danger than the general populace since they are fatalities of other types of oppression: The following groups of females are at risk: (Viano, E, 1992) Ø Disabled women and girls:  ·Ã‚        Disabled girls are four times more probable (than the nationwide standard) to be sexually maltreated.  ·Ã‚        Approximately 53% of women who have been disabled since birth have been maltreated, raped or physically attacked.  ·Ã‚        Approximately 83% of disabled women will be sexually or physically attacked. Ø Aboriginals /First states:  ·Ã‚        An approximated 57% of indigenous females have been sexually maltreated.  ·Ã‚        The rate of sexual abuse in children in a number of aboriginal societies is as elevated as 75 to 80 % for young women below the age of 8 years. Ø Fresh Canadians:  ·Ã‚        Dread of the police as well as fear of being exiled frequently keep expatriates and migrant females from reporting family mistreatment. (a)What is child abuse? Child abuse is the emotional/mental or physical ill-treatment of children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes child mistreatment as every act or sequence of taking action or omission or commission by a care giver, parent or other close relative that results in injury, potential injury, or treat of injury to a child. The majority of child abuse takes place in a child’s residence, with a lesser amount taking place in the schools, associations or groups of people the child intermingles with. There are four main types of child abuse: sexual abuse, emotional/mental abuse as well as physical abuse. (Franchi, C, 1987, p. 1) (b)The prevalence of child abuse in the United States: According to the 1997 American National Committee to prevent child abuse, neglect represented approximately 54% of established incidences of child abuse, corporal abuse 22%, sexual exploitation 8%, and additional forms of mistreatment 12%. A report on the well-being of the child by UNICEF affirmed that, the United States ranked lowest amongst developed countries with reverence to the welfare of children. This investigation also established that child abuse and child neglect are far more widespread in families with a single parent than in family units with both parents. (Franchi, C, 1987, p. 1) A study recently carried out by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention established that, approximately 1 in 50 babies in the United States are fatalities of nonfatal maltreatment or neglect. In the U.S, neglect is described as the failure to meet up the fundamental wants of the children comprising food, clothes, shelter as well as access to health care. Researchers established more than 91 000 incidences of neglect within a span of one year (beginning October 2005-September, 2006) with their information emanating from a list of cases authenticated by protective services organizations. (Franchi, C, 1987, p. 1) 5. The concepts and principles f Social Learning Theory:            The social learning theory is the theory that people are taught novel behavior through punishment or explicit reinforcement, or through observational studying of their environment’s social actors. If individuals observe optimistic, desired results in the observed conduct, they are more probable to emulate, adopt or model the conduct themselves. (Akers, R, 2009) Social learning theory is obtained from Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904)’s work which suggested that social learning takes place through four major stages of limitation: (Akers, R, 2009) à ¼Ã‚ Comprehending of concepts à ¼Ã‚ Imitation of seniors. à ¼Ã‚ Close contact. à ¼Ã‚ Role model conduct. REFERENCE LIST Akers, R. (2009) Social Learning and Social Structure: A General Theory of Crime and Deviance. Transaction Publishers.ISBN:1412809991, 9781412809993. Franchi, C. (1987) Child abuse and its consequences: observational approaches. CUP Archive. ISBN: 0521316146, 9780521316149. Viano, E. (1992) Intimate violence: interdisciplinary perspectives. Taylor & Francis. ISBN: 560322446, 9781560322443.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Knowledge, skills and behaviours Essay
Many business use the CIPD Human resources profession map as it sets out what HR practitioners need to know, do and deliver at all stages of their career to be effective and successful. It sets a benchmark for HR excellence for the individual and the HR function. The map focuses on the knowledge, activities and behaviours by underpinning the skills required to develop products and services for the profession and the individuals, and it sets out how HR adds the greatest sustained value to the organisation now and in the future. It provides you with the support to accelerate your own career and professional development by offering an online self assessment tool called My HR Map. The map was devised from HR experts so it is a reliable source. The map is made up of different sections, firstly eight behaviours which are shown around the outside of the circle, these are; decisive thinker, skilled influencer, personally credible, collaborative, driven to deliver, courage to challenge, role model and curious. This section describes the behaviours and HR professional needs to carry out there activities. Each behaviour is described at four bands of professional competence. These four bands which go up the side of the map describes the four bands of professional competence and the transition challenges faced when moving from one band to the next, it is how their contribution and success is measured, band one being where you start at in a HR role and band four being a senior or management role. And then then there are ten professional areas inside the map which describes what activities you need to do and what you need to know for each area of the HR profession at four bands of professional competence. The ten professional areas are; organisation design, organisation development, resourcing and talent planning, learning and talent development, performance and reward, employee engagement, employee relations, service delivery and information, and the final two are professional areas which are recognised as the two core areas, these are insights, strategies and solutions, and leading HR. The two core professional areas of the map sit at the heart of the map and are applicable to all HR professionals regardless of their job role and stage of their career. Firstly looking at Insights, strategies and solutions, this develops actionable insights and solutions, prioritised and tailored around a deep understanding of business, contextual and organisational understanding. The CIPD have produced tables for each of the professional areas describing the activities (what you need to do) and the knowledges (what you need to know) for each one putting them in relation with the bands. The four bands of professional competence define the contribution that professionals make at every stage of the HR career. Looking at the activities in insights, strategies and solutions a first example is building a picture. In band one the employee needs to Use management information and role experience to develop an understanding of what’s happening in the organisation and externally. Another example of an activity is Developing actionable insight, in band one the employee needs to Develop insights about potential opportunities or risks for the organisation from experience. From the same activity an example of a band two would be to work with colleagues and managers to develop shared insights and priorities and activities. Building capacity and capability is another activity and an example from a band one would be that the employee has to provide accurate and timely information, data and advice to managers and employees on organisations human resources policy and procedures and employment laws. Then moving on to knowledges so this is what the employees need to know. Firstly looking at business knowledge band one is to know the vision and purpose of the organisation and how this relates to your role. For contextual knowledge in band two the employee would need to know the sector context in which the organisation operates. In band one for organisational knowledge the employee needs to know the capability and skills that are needed within the organisation. And finally HR professional knowledge a band one professional would need to know how to effectively organise their own workload and priorities. Leading HR is the other core professional area and this area provides active, insight-led leadership owning, shaping and driving themselves, others and activity in the organisation. Although not everyone will have a role where they lead others, it is still important that they develop and grow in the other two dimensions. Looking at the activities for Professional leadership in band one the employee needs to seek feedback and coaching to continually learn and develop as a professional by using HR processes as appropriate for own CPD (e.g. through my HR Map). Another activity is leading others, in band one the professional needs to focus on delivering flawless process and relevant, timely and accurate advice and data to support HR operations plan. Looking at leading issues an example of an activity is delivering value and performance in HR teams, and example of a band two professional would be to seek feedback from team to identify areas of concern around HR reward and recognition package and make suggestions for improvement where appropriate. Now looking at the knowledges of what the professional needs to know in leading HR the first example is leadership, they need to know the differences in how people work and interact, that is a band one professional. Another band one knowledge is Resource management, the employee needs to know personal skills profiles and strengths and gaps against role requirements. Performance management is another knowledge and for band two the professional needs to know methods for managing and evaluating team performance. Finally financial management, in band one the professional needs to know methods for collecting and analysing financial and non financial data.
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