Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Political Positions Of The Democratic And Republican...
This comparison will be examining the differences between the policies and political positions of the Democratic and Republican parties on the major issues that or government is having such as the healthcare, the role of government, gun control, entitlements, immigration, taxes, abortion and gay rights and many other issues that or country is going throw. These two parties are the most powerful in America s political landscape but differ greatly in their philosophies and ideals. In which Democrat and Republican platform are much different and similar, there is also much change in developing of each over the years. The Democratic Party origin from the anti-federalist faction around the time of America’s independence from British rule. These factions was organized into the Democratic - Republican Party by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other influential people of the federalist in the 1792. Where the Republican Party is a much newer then the Democratic Party. It was founded 1854 by anti-slavery expansion activists and modernizers, the Republican Party rose to prominence with the election of Abraham Lincoln he was the first republican president. The more tradition approach is to see republican as historically conservative meaning they resist change and want to conserve what they see good about American while Democrats are progressive. Meaning they want to see progress. The democratic and republican party have different view in the platform in which it developed. The pointShow MoreRelatedThe Federalist And The Anti Federalist864 Words  | 4 PagesIn America today there are many political parties which include the Democrats and the Republicans. The beginning of political parties started in 1787 with the federalist, then later on the anti-federalist in 1796. Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the federalist party. Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the anti-federalist; who called themselves the Democratic-Republicans. Our first president, George Washington warned us about having parties and the danger of them. However, not until CongressRead MoreThe First American Party System Essay1646 Words  | 7 PagesAmerican Party System Today, political parties are an authoritative and essential component of the United States political system. However, it is important to examine how the political parties began and evolved over hundreds of years, since they were first established. In 1794, the major political parties were the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. The major difference between these two was that the Federalists favored a strong central government, while the Democratic-Republicans preferredRead MoreThe Impact Of The New Deal928 Words  | 4 PagesBlack political sentiment started to shift toward the democratic party with the Presidential campaign of New York Governor Al Smith for the 1928 election. Al Smith captured 17 percent of the black precincts of Philadelphia, 27 percent of the Black precincts of Cleveland and Chicago, and 28 percent of Harlem. These statistics showed a shift in support to the Democratic party previously unseen in American History. Full black voter shift did not occur wi th Al Smith’s Democratic Party. Al Smith wantedRead MoreToo Many Political Parties in America Essay example548 Words  | 3 Pagesmultiple political parties after creating the Constitution in the late 1780s. Even George Washington stated in his Farewell Address, â€Å"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government.†In simpler words, Washington was stating how political parties may leadRead MoreMississippi Politics History Essay622 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Originally published in 2006, Mississippi Politics quickly became the definitive work on the state’s political history, campaigns, legislative battles, and litigation, as well as how Mississippi shaped and was shaped by national and regional trends.†Whil e the second edition of the book still shows Mississippi’s gradual change from a blue state to a red state, it also examines the aftermath of Haley Barbour’s re-election campaign in 2007 along with the 2008 presidential elections. The one thingRead MoreThe Federal Experiment : The Government Experiment930 Words  | 4 PagesThe Federal Experiment After the period of presidential election was done in America, George Washington took a position of the first President of the United States. He chose John Adams to be his vice president, and they were certainly Federalists, which established by Washington, Adams, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, and Henry Knox. He also invited others to be part of his department. There were Thomas Jefferson, who performed secretary of state, Alexander Hamilton, who was treasurerRead MoreDemocrats and Republicans Essay1122 Words  | 5 PagesDemocrats and Republicans The United States of America is known to have two major political parties. The Republican party and the democratic one. Both parties are based on views and principles being completely opposites of each other. The Republican party is known to be a conservative party, while the democratic party is known to be liberal. Two concepts that are opposites to each other. The democratic party will most certainly convince the majority of the people that it is the ideal party to remainRead MoreThe Underlying Methods Of Paramilitary Operations Used By White Redeemers897 Words  | 4 Pagesoperations used by white Redeemers through the political platform of the Bourbon Democrats in the reconstitution of white rule in the South. Paramilitary groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Red Shirts of Mississippi, define the terrorist methods of removing carpetbaggers and freedmen from positions of political power. The dissolution of Reconstructionist methods of federal dominance over the South was er oded with the removal of Federalist troops and Republicans from Southern state, which were â€Å"redeemed†Read MoreThe Democratic Party And The Republican Party875 Words  | 4 Pagesgovernment has two front-running parties: The Democratic Party and the Republican Party. These parties are both criticized by one another, and the political candidates are kept under a microscope at all times. One wrong sentence has the ability to bring the wrath of societal shame. With this term’s presidential race the Republican Party and its lead candidate have accelerated at these mishaps, which has conveyed a racial bias stigma. The denotative meaning of the Republican Party is to be, relating to, orRead MorePolarization in Us Politics1665 Words  | 7 Pagesbecoming more polarized. If so, is this a reaction to the polarization of political elites? Approx 1500 words 13/12/10 The election of 2008... marked the end of an epoch. No longer could Republicans count on the basic conservatism of the American people, the reflexive hostility to candidates who favour big government (Darman, 2010, 34) In the 1970s and 1980s there was a consensus that the importance of political parties was in decline, that the shared conservative ideology of the American
Monday, May 18, 2020
American Civil War The United States - 1910 Words
American civil war The full name of American is the United States of America.The United States is a young country and The country is the second largest country in the Americas. The United States is composed of many states and many overseas territories and immigrant country with multiplicity in its culture because different nations and ethnics coexist there, which easily arises some social issues, as well as educational issues.The United States experienced the colonial period, the War of Independence and the Civil War.This article will interpret the civil war in the United States and the reasons for the victory of the North America.The civil war is the only civil war in the history of the United States.Both sides of the war, including†¦show more content†¦Contradiction between the two sides could be irreconcilable , while the northern economic and demographic advantage, raise his voice in Congress, the entire Congress tend North. North Lincoln unity government launched war ag ainst the South, the South declared the Lincoln government unconstitutional. Lincoln government made war propaganda that war is order to abolish slavery blacks, so that they could seize the moral high ground. The fuse of the war was that Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States, resulting in eleven states in the south of the United States to withdraw from the union.To withdraw from the union, the continent was formed to Jefferson Davis as the president of the government. Government of Southern expelled from the federal army stationed in the south and Lincoln ordered the attack against the rebel state. The war changed the political and economic situation in the United States and led to slavery in the southern states of America finally abolished, The civil war also had a great impact on future American civil society. In the 1860 election, Lincoln only got four of the votes in the country.He didn t appear on the ballot in the south.The Republican Party as a regional party, won the election victory, and the victory also confirmed the former President Martin Van Buren s prophecy in years ago: the ruling party if it is not possible to obtain the support of the country, countries will face split.The Republican Lincoln s
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Examples of Arrangement in Composition
In rhetoric and composition, arrangement refers to the parts of a speech or, more broadly, the structure of a text. Arrangement (also called disposition) is one of the five traditional canons or subdivisions of classical rhetorical training. Also known as dispositio, taxis, and organization. In classical rhetoric, students were taught the parts of an oration. Though rhetoricians did not always agree on the number of parts, Cicero and Quintilian identified these six: the exordium, the narrative (or narration), the partition (or division), the confirmation, the refutation, and the peroration. Arrangement was known as taxis in Greek and dispositio in Latin. Examples and Observations Aristotle states that...the very nature of rhetoric requires at least four components: an exordium, or introduction (prooimion), an advanced thesis (prothesis), proofs (pisteis), and a conclusion (epilogos).(Richard Leo Enos, Traditional Arrangement. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, 2001)In A Rhetoric of Motives (1950), Kenneth Burke summarized the classical position on arrangement as rhetorical form in the large involving the following: a progression of steps that begins with an exordium designed to secure the goodwill of ones audience, next states ones position, then points up the nature of the dispute, then builds up ones own case at length, then refutes the claims of the adversary, and in a final peroration expands and reinforces all points in ones favor while seeking to discredit whatever had favored the adversary. Declining Interest in Arrangement In the place of the old rhetorics formulaic arrangement, the new rhetoric [of the 18th century] advised an arrangement that reflected the flow of thought itself. By the nineteenth century, the classical rhetorical tradition was pretty much adriftâ€â€although Richard Whately made an heroic effort to salvage it. As writing pedagogy abandoned prescribed techniques for invention, arrangement, and style (memory and delivery were already sinking as writing displaced oral literacy), teachers increasingly focused on grammar and surface features. How the student was supposed to create an essay was a mysteryâ€â€as all writing came to be seen as the result of inspiration. Teaching the structure of the classical oration certainly made little sense because the form of a piece of writing should be determined by the reality the writer aimed to convey, not some static pre-ordained formula.(Steven Lynn, Rhetoric and Composition: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press, 2010) Arrangement in Modern Media Modern mass media...present special complications to the study of arrangement because the sequencing of information and arguments, the order in which certain appeals reach an audience, is very difficult to predict...Saturation and sheer quantity of exposure to a message given in single bursts may count for more than the interrelationships of parts of a single message achieved by its carefully crafted arrangement.(Jeanne Fahnestock, Modern Arrangement. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, 2001)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Intercultural Communication of American Tv Series in China
é ¢Ëœ ç› ®Ã¯ ¼Å¡ ç ¾Å½Ã¥â€° §Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¤ ¸ å› ½Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¨ · ¨Ã¦â€"‡åÅ'â€"ä ¼ æ’ æ€ è€Æ' Ã¥ §â€œ Ã¥ ï ¼Å¡ Ã¥ º ·Ã¤ ¿Å 芳 Ã¥ ¦ Ã¥ ·Ã¯ ¼Å¡ 200903010104 ç ³ » åˆ «Ã¯ ¼Å¡ Ã¥ ¤â€"è ¯ ç ³ » ä ¸â€œ ä ¸Å¡Ã¯ ¼Å¡ è‹ ± è ¯ Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã§ º §Ã§ ç º §Ã¯ ¼Å¡ 2009ç º §3ç æÅ'‡å ¯ ¼Ã¦â€¢â„¢Ã¥ ¸Ë†Ã¯ ¼Å¡ 刘ä ¿Å æ ° Cross-cultural communication of American TV Series in China –illustrated be the example of The Big Bang Theory Submitted by kang Junfang Student ID number (200903010104) Supervised by (Liu Junjie) A paper submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts The Foreign Languages Department Zhoukou Normal University April, 2013 æ ¯â€¢Ã¤ ¸Å¡Ã¨ ® ºÃ¦â€"‡ï ¼Ë†Ã¨ ® ¾Ã¨ ® ¡Ã¯ ¼â€°Ã¤ ½Å"者å £ °Ã¦ËœÅ½ æÅ" ¬Ã¤ º ºÃ©Æ'‘é‡ Ã¥ £ °Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¯ ¼Å¡Ã¦â€°â‚¬Ã¥â€˜Ë†Ã¤ º ¤Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦ ¯â€¢Ã¤ ¸Å¡Ã¨ ® ºÃ¦â€"‡æ˜ ¯Ã¦Å" ¬Ã¤ º ºÃ¥Å" ¨Ã¥ ¯ ¼Ã¥ ¸Ë†Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Å'‡å ¯ ¼Ã¤ ¸â€¹Ã§â€¹ ¬Ã§ «â€¹Ã¨ ¿â€ºÃ¨ ¡Å'ç â€Ã§ © ¶Ã¦â€°â‚¬Ã¥ â€"Ã¥ ¾â€"çš„ç â€Ã§ © ¶Ã¦Ë† æžÅ"。é™ ¤Ã¤ ºâ€ æâ€"‡ä ¸ ç‰ ¹Ã¥Ë† «Ã¥Å ä » ¥Ã¦ ‡æ ³ ¨Ã¥ ¼â€¢Ã§â€ ¨Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥â€ …å ® ¹Ã¥ ¤â€"ï ¼Å'æÅ" ¬Ã¨ ® ºÃ¦â€"‡ä ¸ Ã¥Å'…å «Ã¤ » »Ã¤ ½â€¢Ã¥â€¦ ¶Ã¤ »â€"ä ¸ ªÃ¤ º ºÃ¦Ë†â€"集ä ½â€œÃ¥ · ²Ã§ » Ã¥ ‘è ¡ ¨Ã¦Ë†â€"æ’ °Ã¥â€ ™çš„æˆ æžÅ"ä ½Å"å“ 。†¦show more content†¦American TV series is very popular among Chinese young people. The prevalence of American TV series on the Internet in China has become a matter worth concerning and researching. The big bang theory is taken as an example of successful American TV series in the thesis. First chapter gives a summary of the background information and the deep meaning about this thesis. Second chapter gives the in tercultural communication a detailed elaboration. What is cross-cultural communication and which ways help to improve the communication. Third chapter reveals the deep reason of the prevalence of American TV series on the Internet from the intercultural communication perspective. Fourth chapter summarizes the great influence that the cross-culture communication of American TV series on us from different aspects. The last chapter is making conclusions: American TV series’ prevalence on the Internet lets us ponder that any forms of culture should learn from others, TV series are of no exception. We should take the initiation to meet the challenges of foreign cultures, and develop our national culture on the basis of reasonable treatment to foreign cultures. Key words: globalization; American TV series; cross-cultural communication; technology; mass media Cross-cultural communication of American TV Series in China –illustrated be the example of The Big Bang Theory â… . Introduction We live in an increasingly complexShow MoreRelatedThe Influence of Movies and Tv Series on Cultural Stereotypes7562 Words  | 31 Pages2012Ã¥ ±Å æÅ" ¬Ã§ §â€˜Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦ ¯â€¢Ã¤ ¸Å¡Ã¨ ® ºÃ¦â€"‡ï ¼Ë†Ã¨ ® ¾Ã¨ ® ¡Ã¯ ¼â€° é ¢Ëœ ç› ®: Ã¥ ½ ±Ã¨ §â€ ä ½Å"å“ Ã¥ ¯ ¹Ã¦â€"‡åÅ'â€"Ã¥ ®Å¡Ã¥Å¾â€¹Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥ ½ ±Ã¥â€œ Ã¥ ¦Ã©â„¢ ¢(ç ³ »)ï ¼Å¡ Ã¥ ¤â€"è ¯ ç ³ » ä ¸â€œÃ¤ ¸Å¡Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã§ º §Ã¯ ¼Å¡ è‹ ±Ã¨ ¯ 083 Ã¥ ¦Ã§â€Å¸Ã¥ §â€œÃ¥ ï ¼Å¡ Ã¥ ¸ è•ŠæÅ'‡å ¯ ¼Ã¦â€¢â„¢Ã¥ ¸Ë†Ã¯ ¼Å¡ Ã¥ ¼ æ ¢â€¦Ã¨â€¹ ± Ã¥ ®Å'æˆ æâ€" ¥Ã¦Å"Ÿï ¼Å¡ 2012Ã¥ ¹ ´6æÅ"ˆ The influence of movies and TV series on cultural stereotypes Contents ä ¸ æâ€"‡æ‘˜è ¦ III Abstract IV Chapter I. Introduction 1 Chapter II. 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Children Begin by Loving Their Parents Free Essays
Despite my father’s aching back, at the age of 45 or so, he played wit me and lifted me up in the air on many occasions. He was so proud since I had grown an inch taller. It has been 11 years now since my mother had died. We will write a custom essay sample on Children Begin by Loving Their Parents or any similar topic only for you Order Now Both my parents had been involved in an accident, unfortunately my mothers injuries were too severe and there was nothing the doctors could do. I blamed my father for the death of my mother since he had been under the influence of alcohol while the accident had taken place. I had Jus turned 16 that year, and was influenced by my friends to run away from home. My arenas were extremely worried about me. It was while they were looking for me when they had met with an accident. I knew then, as I know now, that I helped drive father to drinking. I will never forgive myself for that. What was a problem we might have resolved exploded, and home was never home again. He could not be the same father to me anymore. He became angry and aggressive since the death of my mother. We both blamed each other for her death. If I never had ran away from home and If he had never been under the Influence of alcohol while driving, my mother would have still been alive. In my mind my father Is still the vibrant, witty and a private man that raised me, the man so steadfast In his love and devotion for my mother that I have never once heard a complaint or regret over their life together. A man who did whatever, anything, he could do for me. I know my father has many faults, faults that have sliced me In hidden places. My father has consumed alcohol various times. He has not always been the best father and has not always treated me well. But grief shows Itself In many forms. What we have been to each other are companions on a road I wish on no one. How to cite Children Begin by Loving Their Parents, Papers
Business Capstone Project Society and National Economy
Question: Discuss about the Business Capstone Project for Society and National Economy. Answer: Introduction Generally, it is understood that international migration has a potential to have a considerable effect in the areas of politics, society and national economy for any countries. Hence, the migration between New Zealand and Australia does affect the political environment, society and national economy of the both countries. According to Sanderson (2009, p. 293), the improved transports and advanced communications technologies have made it accessible and affordable for majorities of us in establishing contacts along with broadened knowledge of opportunities and circumstances elsewhere. It was reported by Australian Bureau of Statistics (2014) that, 6.6 million (28.1%) of the total population were estimated to be born overseas and New Zealand born people were among the second largest group of residents born overseas at 2.6%. This research proposal will utilise secondary data to analyse the trend and impact of mobility from New Zealand to Australia. The aim is to explore prior researches a nd suggest the findings in regards to the reason for the mobility and possible impacts. Statement of Purpose The two countries, Australia and New Zealand, have an exclusive relationship fostered by many factors such as geographic nearness and common histories as a part of the Commonwealth and the ANZAC tradition. Hence, their relationship has made it easier for the citizens of the both countries to migrate without restrictions between the two countries. (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2010) Significantly, it has been reported that the movement of New Zealanders to Australia has soared in recent decades due to the economic optimism in Australia comparative to New Zealand. The existing literatures also suggest that, mobility and migration decision is influenced by economic considerations, lifestyle benefits, culture, environment and other various factors. (Green, Power and Jang, n.d.). Furthermore, the migration trends have been suggested to be highly inclined towards temporary stays instead of permanent settlement. Globalization has also played an effective role in enhanced integration between New Zealand and Australia. For this reason, the existing literatures suggest the increased chances of work-related mobility and internationalised labour markets to be contributing the migration trend (Sanderson 2009, p. 293). However, regardless of the implications for both countries, the motivating factors and impact of the trans-Tasman movement for migrants travelling from New Zealand to Australia still need more significance for extensive research studies. Thus, the objective of this additional research is to determine what attracts New Zealanders to move to Australia and identify the kind of existing migration trend on the basis of age, work, gender, residency and citizenship. Aim of the research The prime aim of the research is to identify and analyze the factors that are creating positive impact over the emerging migration trends from New Zealand to Australia. Objectives of the research: As per the article by Heckscher, Halley and Stampul (2015, p. 288) selection of research objective is an important factor that the researcher will have to consider in order to complete the research study successfully. The research objectives are as follows: 1. To identify the factors those are responsible for determining the trend of migration from New Zealand to Australia 2. To evaluate the ways by which the migration trend is impacted on the basis of age, work, gender, residency and citizenship 3. To analyze the kind of impact that the migration trend can have on the economical condition of Australia 4. To identify the best possible way for Australia to handle the emerging migration trend Introduction According to Brettell and Hollifield (2014, p. 23) migration reflects the movement of people from one economy to another economy. Thus, migration is a complex problem that many dimensions associated with it. As mentions by Greenwood (2016, pp. 34 36) the problem associated with migration can vary, as it is a multidimensional problem. On the other hand, Favell (2015, p. 38) highlights that migration can be describe as an outcome of multifaceted interaction of factors, which is difficult to be defined rationally by a single theory. However, the theories related to the migration can be analaysed from two different perspectives: macro-level structural issues and micro-level structural issues where the first focuses on economic differences, political differences and the latter focuses on individual decision making, individual motivating factors for the migration etc. (Green 2006, p. 102-105). Theoretical framework According to Todaro and Smith (2006, p. 342), neo-classical theory is the current dominant theory on migration, which explains that the stimulation of migration is significantly dependent on the reasonable economic considerations of comparative benefits and costs. This theory focuses on differences in wage returns to labour across global markets. As describes by Skeldon (2012, p. 159) this theory explains both micro and macro aspects of migration. This theory elaborates that unbalance distribution of labor and capital at the macro level can cause huge inequalities living conditions and wages that can have huge amount of impact on the number of migration. On the other hand, the micro approach of this theory not only focuses on the labor market but also on other markets like unemployment insurance market or capital market as well. The theory highlighted that major household strategy for migration is focuses on changing the source of income rather than increasing the income level. Hence , the migration of New Zealanders to Australia can be analysed in relation to the geographic differences between two countries. As labor supply and demand and wage differentials between labor-rich versus capital-rich countries (Kurekova 2011, p. 5). On the other hand, World Systems theory views migration to be influenced by structural changes of markets, globalization, rising economical interdependency and establishment of innovative production. This theory focuses on the strong relationship and dependency of capital markets and labour mobility. Similarly, there are other theories such as Network theory and Dual labor market theory, which respectively explains demand perspective of migration and factors influencing migration on a time and space basis (Kurekova 2011, pp. 8, 9 10). This theory highlights that the root cause for migration is the unequal development between the peripheral agricultural countries and central developed countries. Since, this unequal development enforces the people from peripheral countries to move towards the developed prime countries. Moreover, the world system theory illustrates that migration will help the central countries, as they can be able to exploit the peripheral countries. This theory also highlighted that migration is an obvious consequences of globalization. Since, globalization enables frequent interaction among people from several countries. As a result, people are becoming well aware about the kind of benefits they might able to receive by shifting to another country. This definitely enhances the number of immigrants all over the world. As per the article by Wright and Ellis (2016, pp. 16, 17 18) the dual labor market theory can also be considered as one of the significant theory for evaluating the migration issue. It highlights that the industrialized countries labor market have a dualistic structure. It includes unskilled workers and skilled workers. The skilled workers are often provided with greater allowances. On the other hand, unskilled workers have to suffer consequences of low wages. As opined by Sykes (2013, p. 321) employers in industrialized countries are determined to keep this wage difference between skilled workers and unskilled workers. As a result, many unskilled workers force to move to another place in search of a better opportunity. On the other side, industrialized countries will have to face the shortage of bottom of hierarchy labors. Thus, they are forced to employ unskilled labor from different countries, which also create positive impact on the number of immigrants entering in the developed economy. Therefore, Heckscher, Halley and Stampul (2015, p. 287) mentions that every economies will have to be extremely careful regarding the number of population leaving the country and number of foreign people entering in to the new economy so that it can able to create a balance between these two. This might help the economy to minimize the negative consequences of migration trends. From the analysis of all above theories, it can be understood that study and analysis of migration can be an intricate, varied and multifaceted experience as it involves an interaction between micro and macro levels. Hence, it makes the research activities to be conducted at varied levels involving multiple methodological resources and approaches. In brief, it can be ascertained that migration research can be challenging in terms of empirical evidence and concepts. Literature gap: The above discussion highlights the fact that migration has emerged as one of the prime concern of the economy that they have to deal with. Since, the more number of people will come into an economy the greater will be the chances of creating negative impact on the political, economical and cultural aspect of the economy. The above discussion highlights that people enter into new economy in search of better quality of life and when they enter into the economy, they started to consume all the available resources of the economy like any other residents. Furthermore, increase number of immigrants forces the economy to feel the consequences of cultural differences (Guha 2014, p. 46). Thus, the emerging migration trends have forces Australia to look at several factors. In this study, the focus will be on these factors and the kind of impact it can made on the overall developmental process of the Australian economy. After considering the existing literatures, data and reports, this research proposal aims to guide the further research on the basis of the following research questions: 1. What factors are responsible for determining the trend of migration from New Zealand to Australia? 2. In what ways the migration trend is impacted on the basis of age, work, gender, residency and citizenship? 3. How the migration trend can make impact on the economical condition of Australia? 4. What are the best possible ways for Australia to react to this emerging migration trend? Research Methodology: Overview Research Outline As per the article by Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault (2015, pp. 27 29) research methodology has the potential to in evaluating variety of research methods, philosophies and designs, which will help the researcher to fulfill the objective of the study in an effective way. Research outline include several methodologies and measures that the researcher might chose to implement to assure that the research study is going in the right direction. In addition, research outline helps the researcher to maintain proper flow of the research process. Traditionally, outline of the research provides various types of philosophies, approach and designs. As per the research outline is concerned, proper justification will have to provide by the researcher for the selected approach and processes for the completion of the research study. Thus, if the researcher can able to maintain the selected outline for the completion of the study, it will assist to fulfill the goal of the research study. To identify the migration trend, the research will chose deductive research approach, positivism research philosophy. For this study, the researcher will follow the processes below to collect and analyse various data to meet the research objective. Research philosophy As per the article by Mackey and Gass (2015, p. 87) researcher philosophy is a significant factor that the researcher will have to focus in order to complete the research study successfully. The article highlights three types of research philosophies namely interpretivism, positivism and realism that researchers utilize to fulfill the objective of the research study. It is significant to note that selection of research philosophy can be able to guide the researcher to the valuable outcome of the entire research process. With the assistance of positivism research philosophy, research studies can utilize evidence base logical investigation. On the other hand, interpretivism research philosophy can conduct a research study by emphasizing on the overview of the entire population in order to understand the significance of the research study. Furthermore, realism research philosophy focuses on conducting the research study by evaluating every situation simply as they seem to occur. For ana lyzing the migration trend, the research will focus on the positivism research philosophy. Justification of selected research philosophy Out of the available three research philosophies, the researcher has chosen positivism research philosophy, as it has the potential to provide a gateway for the research study. The positivism research philosophy also has the potential to develop a specific outcome by considering different variables related to factual evidence and real evidence regarding the topic of the research study. For this particular research topic, the researcher has chosen this research philosophy as it will assist the researcher in evaluating all the factors related to the migration trends (Silverman 2016, p. 112). Furthermore, positivism philosophy allows the researcher to crosscheck all the factors so that the outcome of the study can be able to depict actual situation of the research topic. Research approach Research approach is another significant factor that the researcher has to focus in order to accomplish the research goals. Since, research approach can guide the researcher to identify critical factors related to the research study. As mentions by Panneerselvam (2014, p. 13) research approach has two types inductive research approach and deductive research approach. Inductive approach helps in capturing required information about the research topic. On the other hand, deductive approach can be utilized to cultivate numerous data related to the research process. For the identification of the migration trend, the researcher will focus on to consider deductive research approach. Justification for the selected research approach For this particular research topic, the researcher will select deductive research approach, as it will assist the study to include previous study and theories related to the research topic. Thus, it will help the study to capture in-depth information, which will in turn create positive impact on the outcome of the study. Furthermore, this research approach can help the researcher in understanding the effectiveness of implementing several theories that has the potential to enhance the outcome of the study (Gast and Ledford 2014, p. 71). The researcher selected deductive approach, as migration trend is broad topic. On the other hand, the researcher has not considered other research approach as it will increase the length of the research study. Furthermore, inductive research approach, as it is based on specific incidental and observational researches. Research purpose: As per the article by Pickard (2012, p. 23) research purpose can provide a great help in understanding the proper nature of the research topic. It also helps the researcher to have in-depth information about various factors relevant to the research topic. According to Miller et al. (2012, p. 32) research purpose has three parts namely explanatory, exploratory and analytical research purpose. Thus, the researcher selects any research purpose regarding the true nature of the research study so that it can able to fulfill its aim and goals. Explanatory research purpose assists the researcher in answering all the necessary questions rather problem solving. On the other hand, exploratory research purpose help the researcher in evaluating real problems and issues related to the topic of the study. Analytical research purpose can help the researcher to analyze real time data. For this particular study, the researcher will focus on the analytical research purpose. Justification for the selected research purpose Selection of research purpose highly depends on the nature of the research. Since, the focus of this study will be on the identification of trend. Analytical research approach can provide cutting edge to the outcome of the research study. In addition, it will help the researcher analyze all the captured information related to the researcher topic. Moreover, it will help the researcher to recognize different groups, parts and factors related to the researcher study. Research strategy As per the article by Anfara Jr and Mertz (2014, p. 26) for the successful completion of the research process, it is very important gather all the relevant information regarding the topic of the study. Thus, the researcher will have to implement effective research strategy so that the study can be able to meet its objectives. Gale et al. (2013, p. 117) mentions that effective research strategy represent a strategy by which a researcher can be able to capture all the necessary information from the respondents. Hence, as per the research strategy is concerned the researcher may select different types of individual interaction process to collect information from the selected respondents. For this particular study, the researcher will select both primary and secondary research strategy. Justification of the research strategy The researcher will choose both primary and secondary research strategy, as it will help the researcher to analyze all the factors related to the researcher topic. For the collection of primary information, the researcher will utilize survey technique as well as one to one interaction process that will provide help to the researcher in generating valuable information regarding to the migration trends. For effective utilization of the survey process, the researcher will formulate questionnaires that will contain only quantitative closed-end questions. The researcher will formulate quantitative questionnaires in order to identify the current migration trend. Target Population As per the article by Novikov and Novikov (2013, p. 28) research population refers to a large group of individuals that may have relevant knowledge related to the research topic. The research population refers to those individuals whom will get benefits from the outcome of the research study. However, most of the time research population refers to a huge amount of population, which cannot be covered for the successful completion of the research study. As a result, the researcher will have to target a particular group of the entire research population to ensure that the research study can be able to complete within the given timeframe. As the focus of the research study is to analyze the emerging trends of New Zealanders migrating to Australia, the target population for this research will be all the identified New Zealand migrants. Since, they are migrating to Australia for better economic opportunities and lifestyle benefits. Therefore, the researcher will try to cover all the areas within the Australia where most of the immigrants are taking shelter. The researcher to focus on the target population to generate an idea about the total numbers immigrants that are coming to Australian economy for the better future. Sampling technique As opined by Riley et al. (2014, p. 42) successful completion of any research study requires an effecting sampling strategy. Since, it can assist the researcher to select right respondents regarding to the topic of the topic of the study. According to Levy and Lemeshow (2013, pp. 31 32) selecting right respondents for capturing information is crucial for the successful completion of the research topic. Otherwise, it can mislead the outcome of the research. For this particular research study, the researcher will utilize the records of New Zealand migrants to Australia collected by Australian Government and New Zealand Government. Now, there are two types of sampling method namely probability and non-probability sampling method that are used by the researchers for fulfilling the aim and objectives of the research study. For this particular research study, the researcher will focus on the non-probability sampling method, as the research population is extremely large. In addition, the researcher chooses non-probability sampling method, as it will assist the research study to capture relevant information regarding the research topic. The researcher also will choose this sampling method so that it can be able to depict actual perspective regarding the migration trends. For this particular study, the researcher will select 70 respondents whom are migrating to Australia to collect quantitative information.. Variables It is hypothesized that, as economic stability and employment opportunities in Australia becomes better or worse, the number of people migrating to Australia from New Zealand also increases or decreases. Since, people always look to have a better life where they were provided with better opportunities. Therefore, when they are getting better opportunity in a particular economy, it is influencing them to shift from New Zealand to Australia. Similarly, the trend of New Zealand migrants travelling to and back to Australia frequently affects the number of the migrants taking up the citizenship. To undertake this research, the following dependent and independent migration variables have been identified: Dependent Variable To identify what factors induce the mobility of New Zealand migrants to Australia, the population of people migrating to Australia is identified as dependent variable. Independent Variable Similarly, the identified independent variables in regards to our research are economic stability, employment opportunities, age, gender, education and citizenship. Data Sources As mentioned earlier, both primary and secondary data will be collected for the successful evaluation of this particular study. Thus, this research will use the already collected and existing secondary data from several different sources. However, an extensive analysis would be presented by interpreting the data related to migration, housing, employment, education, departure and arrival etc. collected and recorded by statistical departments such as Australian Bureau of Statistics and Statistics New Zealand. Primary Mentor: This research project will be carried out under the regular consultations and mentorship of Holmes Institute, Brisbanes Capstone Project Units Lecturer Mr. Sergeui Mikhailitchencko. In order to ensure that the research is conducted within a standard framework and ensure a proper collection and analysis of data, information and resources within a suitable research methodology, the mentorship from the Lecturer is deemed to be essential and significant. Expected Outcome: Upon considering the literature review, it is expected that the research on Discovering an ongoing mobility trend and impact of New Zealanders migrating to Australia will provide evidence of the positive relationship between Australian economic opportunities and New Zealand migrants. On the other hand, it can be ascertained that other variables such as age, gender, work, education and citizenship are expected to directly impact on the migration decision and settlement of New Zealand migrants. Gantt Chart: The Gantt chart for this research proposal is given below: Gantt Chart Final Research Proposal: Discovering an Ongoing Mobility Trend and Impact of New Zealanders Migrating to Australia Activities March April May June Choose Research Topic Discussion Research on topic Methodology Decision Write Initial Proposal Submit Initial Proposal Literatures research Write Literature review Finalise research process data collections Submit Final Proposal Figure 1: Gantt chart Research Proposal Activities (Source: As created by the author) Data analysis Quantitative questions (for 70 migrants that shifted from New Zealand to Australia): How long have you been staying in Australia? Option Frequency (in %) Frequency Total responses Less than 2 months 34 24 70 2 months to 4 months 14 10 70 5 months to 9 months 9 6 70 10 months to 1 year 29 20 70 More than 1 year 14 10 70 Table 1: Total amount of time that the migrants from New Zealand is staying in Australia Figure 2: Total amount of time that the migrants from New Zealand is staying in Australia Findings and analysis: From the above analysis, the researcher has concluded that most of the migrants are very new in the Australian economy. Therefore, it will create a certain level of shock in the Australian economy. However, the study also highlighted that there is a fare share of people are present who are living for almost 1year in Australia. Therefore, it indicates that the Australia has the potential to cope up with the emerging migration trend from New Zealand to Australia. How far do you agree that the current migration trend will create adverse impact on the Australian economy? Options Frequency (in %) Frequency (in number) Total responses Strongly agree 29 20 70 Agree 17 12 70 Neutral 14 10 70 Disagree 29 20 70 Strongly disagree 11 8 70 Table 2: Current migration trend impact on the Australian economy Figure 3: Current migration trend impact on the Australian economy Findings and analysis: The analysis highlighted that the responses of the respondents are not able to depict a clear trend. Since almost 30% of the respondents disagree with the fact that migration trend can have negative impact on the Australian economy. On the other hand, 29% of the people have strongly agreed that the migration trend can have huge amount of adverse impact on the Australian economy. Since, Australia will have to face additional pressure regarding the increasing population. How far do you think that the current migration trend will affect the cultural diversity of Australia? Options Frequency (in %) Frequency (in number) Total responses Strongly agree 54 38 70 Agree 17 12 70 Neutral 3 2 70 Disagree 22 15 70 Strongly disagree 4 3 70 Table 3: Current migration trend affect on the cultural diversity of Australia Figure 4: Current migration trend affect on the cultural diversity of Australia Finding and analysis: In order to analyze the current migration trend and its impact on the cultural diversity of Australia, the researcher has implemented this question. Now the above analysis suggested that inclusion of migrants would create huge amount of impact on the Australian cultural diversity. The above analysis highlights that almost 54% of the respondents reflected that migrants would have impact on the cultural diversity. Therefore, Australia will have to be extremely careful regarding the current migration trends. What types of issue that people of Australia will have to face due to the excessive migration from New Zealand to Australia? Options Frequency (in %) Frequency (in number) Total responses Communication issue 36 25 70 Cultural issue 17 12 70 Economical issue 11 8 70 Social issue 29 20 70 Security issue 7 5 70 Table 4: Types of issue that Australia will have to face due to excessive migration Figure 5: Types of issue that Australia will have to face due to excessive migration Findings and analysis: The analysis focuses on the major issues that Australia might have to face due to the excessive migration from New Zealand to Australia. From the above analysis, it can be identified that 36% of the respondents have represented communication as the major issue that Australia will have to face regarding the emerging migration trends. Since, migration reflects people from different culture lives in the same community. Thus, it is expected that local people will face difficulties in sharing their thoughts and believes. However, the analysis highlighted that social issue is also a major issue that Australia will have to consider in order to identify the prime issue. What types of changes are needed to manage the current migration trend in Australia? Options Frequency (in %) Frequency (in number) Total responses Limiting the number of migrants in the country 12 8 70 Provide proper shelter 41 29 70 Develop rule and regulations 19 13 70 Maintain privacy 7 5 70 Others 21 15 70 Table 5: Types of changes are needed to manage the current migration trend in Australia Figure 6: Types of changes are needed to manage the current migration trend in Australia Findings and analysis: In this analysis, the focus will be on the kind of changes that Australia will have to enforce in order to handle the challenges of current migration trend. The above analysis highlights the change that Australia will have to make is providing proper shelter to the migrants. Since, providing proper shelter will help the migrants to adjust to the new economy in an effective way. Conclusion This research proposal proposes to study the ongoing mobility trend and impact of New Zealanders migrating to Australia and the comparative analysis of economic considerations, lifestyle benefits, culture, environment etc. are deemed significant for the research. This research proposal also discussed the existing literature review on migration theories and further outlined the research questions, research methodology, data sources, Gantt chart and expected outcomes as well. Upon following the research methodologies and approaches, it is expected that relevant data and information would be collected and further analysed within timeframe. References Anfara Jr, V.A. and Mertz, N.T. eds., 2014.Theoretical frameworks in qualitative research. Sage publications. Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2010). Australian Social Trends. Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics. Cat. 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Monday, May 4, 2020
Causes and Effects of Rapid Sinking
Question: Discuss about the Causes and Effects of Rapid Sinking. Answer: Introduction: Titanic was the largest ship at the time of 1905-1915 decade. It was 900 feet long and weighted as 46000 tons (Division of the History of Technology, 2017). The ship was considered as the strongest ship structured by White Star Lines and Titanic was considered as the ship which cannot sink at all. However, it had been sank in the year 1912 by a massive iceberg. The researches has found that, Titanic has various material failures and design flaws. The collision has damaged nearly about 300 ft of hull of the ship and in less than 3 hours the ship was sank and around 2200 passengers and crew died in the incident. The researches has found that, at the time of collision, the wrought iron rivets and the hull steel failed due to a delicate fracture. There was a sort of terrible failure in structural constituents and fragile fracture generally transpires without earlier plastic distortion along with high speeds (Gannon, 1995). However, excess impact loading, low temperature and excess sulphur content also bases such fracture which was occurred by the iceberg. The microstructural examination of steel of Titanic displayed the believability of delicate fracture in the hull of steel. Along with the material flaws, there were some design flaws such as water tight cabins in the lower segment which can be considered as a factor of sinking. There was sixteen major water tight compartments which might easily be wrapped off if one part of the hull get pierced (Hill, 1996). Along with that, the sections were considered as watertight, but they were actually horizontally watertight only, the upper areas were exposed and along with that the walls were protracted a few feet beyond the waterline. As an effect of the adversity, the White Star Line improved the structural design of the other two similar sister ships of Titanic. The double bottoms were prolonged up side the hull and slanting partitions of the above mentioned impermeable sections were raised (Bassett, 2012). Along with the modification in design, a few safety regulations are constructed to prevent such incidents in future. The further shipping projects included wireless communication apparatus to receive weather reports and position checking. The incident of Titanic is considered as a failure for the company White Star Line. References Bassett, V. (2012). Causes and Effects of the Rapid Sinking of the Titanic. Undergraduate engeneering review, 11-1998. Division of the History of Technology. (2017). Retrieved 15 April 2017, from Gannon, R. (1995). What really sank the Titanic. Popular Science, 246(2), 49-55. Hill, S. (1996). The mystery of the Titanic: a case of brittle fracture?. Materials world, 4(6), 334-335. Stewart, J. PMBOK Guide.
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